Thursday, August 14, 2008

Now shipping internationally!

Yes - that's right! Having a Design Team member from Malaysia has brought more international interest to Queen Scraps. Therefore, I have decided to expand to the international market. The website shopping cart has been set to give accurate shipping costs to our international buyers. I have not had time to update the FAQ section yet though.
Costs for certain countries are as follows:
Canada/Mexico - $23
France - $30
England - $30
Obviously I can't guess where each customer will come frome, so if you don't fall into any of these categories, you will receive an invoice through PayPal with additional shipping costs. Additionally, if you are overcharged for shipping that overage will be refunded to you when I ship your package. All international shipments will be made by USPS Priority Mail International which takes 6-10 days to arrives.
I'll be posting our September kits tomorrow!

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